Thursday, December 18, 2008

A lot of whining - read at your own risk

I just have to say... waaaaaaaaaah.

That pretty much sums it up, so I'm not going to go in to details. I'm pregnant - that should tell you a lot if you've ever been involved in pregnancy.


I'm Scooter, but I might be a troll. said...

I love you.

Andrea said...

What's wrong? You can whine to me if you want.

Booya said...

Hot pregnant chicks rule! Here for ya if you need me, but I think you know that.

Remember keep your feet up, eating watermelon reduceses the swelling, easy on the cafine and don't take too hot of a bath.

Krissyface said...

It's a lot like a hangover and PMS in the beginning, isn't it?

Saltines and ginger ale helped me.

Congrats, Kim!!!

kimberkara said...

yes it is a LOT like a nasty hangover in the stomach paired with the bitchiness of PMS. I'm just so sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. Much of the time I roll with it but sometimes I just want to whine and go home and sleep!

Cindy-Lou said...

Oh, that's right, pregnancy sucks. I forgot!