Tuesday, December 30, 2008

1st Trimester NT screen DONE!

Everything looks great at 12 weeks 4 days. They confirmed July 10th.

The first hour was spent with a genetic councellor. We discussed what the test was for andthe likelyhood of my eggs being bad at age 37.

The 2nd hour was looking at the baby. Heart rate was 162. They could or would not tell me the sex. I think it's a girl, but I thought I saw a lil something sticking up between the legs. The tech said there was nothing to see so I'll take her word on it. The Downs measurements were excellent and I feel pretty secure that this baby looks healthy. We will get the blood work results back in 10 days. I think that's it. I wish I knew the sex already. I hate saying "it" plus it's easier to only come up with one name. Bob Thomas or Juniper somethingorother for a girl is my current favorite.

The baby was picking it's nose as we watched. I swear!



Booya said...

I am making my prediction, simply based on the heart rate, that you are having a boy. Both of my boys have/had heart rates around that. My daughter was in the 130s I believe. Either way CONGRATS!!

Now for the hard part, picking out names if you don't already have one. And take the initals into consideration. If your last name starts with an S you don't want to name the baby something like Alan Scott because the initals would be ASS. Or don't name him Gary Albert because then it would be GAS. Of course if your last name starts with a G you can't use Fred Arnold because his initals would be FAG. Just something to think about to keep them from getting picked on. I am happy for you guys. Speaking of, is Scoot your hubby?

none said...

If its a boy... when Cody and I had first met Mark he wanted to name His first boy Oxnard Norbert, for your sake and the baby's I hope he got over that.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on getting over the first trimester bump! I'm sure everything will be fine!! Can't wait to meet the little one! How is Sadie taking the idea? Is it registering yet? Hope things are going well for you! Happy Holidays!!

kimberkara said...

Thanks for the well wishes guys!
Heidi - Mark has mentioned Oxnard. Yeah. NO.

Stacie - Sadie is clueless. I have mentioned the baby in my belly, but shediesn't get it. She might when I get further along.

Booya - Mark (Scoot)likes Mary Elizabeth Hergott - MEH. Yeah, Scooter is the baby daddy. We are not married, tho he has drunkenly proclaimed to want to make me an honest woman. As bitchy as I am lately I wish him good luck on asking me when I don't want to tear his head off(love you shnookums). What other 3 letter words end in H? I could get behind screwing the kid for life. :)

Booya said...

Just don't go with a second middle name like Tess or something, METH would be bad

I'm Scooter, but I might be a troll. said...


Sandra Juniper

Ariel Marie

Xavier Tiger (I dunno, maybe for real, actually...)

Penelope Chloe

Kimber Kara

Mark Thomas

Stephen Edwin

Robert Anson

As for the Hergott or the Arnold...
I'm working on it.

Krissyface said...

you could hyphenate.

You know that now that i know both your first and last names I'm totally gonna start stalking you on facebook.

Those are all lovely names.

Congrats on reaching the 12 week mark...bye bye morning sickness!
(fingers crossed?)
I'm so excited for you guys. It's kind of cool to watch all of this unfold through both your blogs :)

kimberkara said...

I have not yet seen the end of morning sickness. I had a couple days where I thought it was going away, but that was 2 weeks ago.
I'm not feeling very flexable about the names right now, so I'm going to bow out of that discussion - at least until we know the sex and then it will hopefully be easier. (tho Bob Archur Hergott - BAH!)

Andrea said...

You know how I feel about Bob. I love the meaning though. But even if you named the kid Douche Bag Arnold-Hergott I would still love it to pieces.

If it is a girl you can name her Juniper Breeze, after the Bath and Body Works soap. :)

Juniper Monica?
Juniper Francine?
Juniper Saige/Sage?
Juniper Clementine?

Ugh, the possibilities are endless...

kimberkara said...

Mark is agreeable to Juniper May.

Anonymous said...

I'm extremely partial to the name Saige... lol. Naming a child is the least fun (in my opinion). Good luck.