Monday, September 22, 2008

Setting goals

Oy oy oy. I gotta set some goals.

So, my goal is to lose 94 lbs by mid April.

That will bring my BMI down to just under 30%.

That is 3 lbs a week, for 32 weeks.

That is a tough goal, but shit, even if I only lose 1 lb a week I'll be down 32 lbs, and that's better than gaining.

The way I will achieve this goal:

Drink lots of water. No less than 5 16.9 oz bottles a day. This is not that hard, even though I don't like to drink when I don't feel thirsty and it makes ALL the difference.

Exercise every day is some way. I can walk if nothing else, and if the weather is inclement I can do some exercises in the house. I will print up a 30 minute routine for home. I can also take advantage of those stupid on-demand shows on cable. I will allow yoga to replace cardio exercises 2 days a week. I can't wait till snow season. Shoveling snow is my favorite workout!

Eat healthy food and severely reduce fast food intake. There just aren't many healthy options when I eat out and the portions are too big. I will buy food for the work week and I will eat it at work, no matter if the others eat out. I will ask mom to help with these goals by cooking low fat dinners, which she already does pretty well. I will allow 1-2 snacks a day, but only very low in fat and only after I drink a bottle of water.

Keep a food log, including what is eaten, when, and the calorie and fat content. I will also log my weight gain/loss.

You know, I feel like such a failure and I feel like such a fool trying AGAIN. Why even bother fooling myself that I am serious. Why write this down publicly, just to fail publicly. I don't know - for some reason I still have hope.


Andrea said...

First of all, you are NOT a failure! You are a hard working single mom. Don't forget about that hypothyroidism BS. OK, so you have put on some weight. I have too, and I totally feel your pain. I promise to help out whenever I can to help you achieve your goals, I want your help too!
Keep trying until it happens. It's just like smoking, except for WAAAAY harder. You can live and never smoke again. You can't not eat. (yeah yeah, double negative...) It's the only addiction I know of that you actually NEED in order to survive.
God. *sigh*
Good luck to you!!!

cassdawn said...

since i can't get my own act together i doubt i'm the right person to say anything but hell, i'm gonna anyway. setting up so many rules for yourself is fine as long as you are committed to not beating the shit out of yourself if you break one. if you can't do that then you are better off making one rule for yourself and just focusing on that. ie commit to drinking the water and nothing else. ifyou do the other stuff great but you aren't committing to it. and of course if you are able to do this in a less judgemental way, like try losing weight cuz you deserve it/to be healthy instead of because you are " a failure".

that's all i got for now. o, and try the detox7 thing - it's just a nice jumpstart and gets rid of that icky feeling in your belly.

i'm rooting for ya

Unknown said...

The reason for putting it out in public -- More support. You can be less likely to slip when you know you have people watching you.

kimberkara said...

Yes Joe, true dat - but it's only a good idea till I fuck up. Anyway, so far so good. There is seriously something wrong with my head though, 'cause I think about food when I'm not hungry. It's annoying the crap out of me.

I'm Scooter, but I might be a troll. said...

Kim, I care about you, I love you, and want you to know that one day at a time...
