Thursday, October 9, 2008

Vas Deferens

vas deferens


These two words keep popping up in the middle of conscious thought for NO good reason. This has been happeining since I work up this morning. I must have had some odd dreams last night.

Just thought I'd share.


Andrea said...

You're definitely out there.

cassdawn said...

well, looks like scooter is in for a good night

I'm Scooter, but I might be a troll. said...

Odd, I'm studying human reproduction in Biology right now.

Cassie... actually, we are going to watch our Asian friend beat the crap out of white people for his third degree black belt tonight.

cassdawn said...

whatever works for you.
anyway, it was a joke - i was combining the terms 'vas deferens' and 'imbibe' - - -get it? haha alrighty then.

Krissyface said...

you want to imbibe...the vas deferens?
