Provide healthy whole food meals that are filling and flavorful.
I somehow ended up at I think it is a very helpful site. What I am going to do is play with this idea, even thought I feel foolish for wasting my time on something that could never happen. I know, it could happen. I could open up a fast food joint and revolutionize the food industry. I could single handedly remove Michigan from the top 10 list of fattest states. I would be self employed and teach Sadie the value of working hard. But I feel like I am wasting my time. I'm a bored office manager and lazy to boot. I'm also bored out of my mind with life and might just blossom doing something this cool.
I mean this is a good idea, right? I eat out many days a week, especially at lunch time when I'm working. I do not have time to cook a good breakfast and dinner lately is only healthy because I have a mother that stays at my house and cooks for Sadie and I. Every time I eat out it is a struggle to find something that I want to eat, is fast and easy to get, and is healthy.
I have many ideas for this restaurant. I have many Mission Statements running through my head. I have many names for the business, though none of them are good enough yet. I have many ideas for the food offered, the people who will eat the food, the prices of the food, the location, where the ingredients will come from.
I welcome input. The name is so important. It should convey so much in a word or two.
I plan on using the thesaurus for the following words:
I came up with all kinds of names Friday night in bed, while Mark was probably wishing I'd shut up and go to sleep. Neither of us have a good memory, so these are off the top of my head:
Tried and True (Healthful Meals) - I remember that one
Fit Meals
Wholesome Meals
Hearty Fare
Simply Sinless
I'm just going through these words hoping to think of something clever. I'm going to bed.
Test post
1 year ago
Son of a bitch!
I had three ideas on here and somehow it closed on me.
Here are my name ideas.
1. Garden of Eatin' (haha)
2. Devine Deli (if it is not a sit down place)
3. Food for Life (since I feel like you were insprired by Body for Life)
4. Fresh Alternatives
I dunno... these are probably all stupid, but whatever. If you could do it one day that would be awesome!
1. I love that your last 2 comments started with "son of a bitch:. 2. Food for life is already a book from Body For Life. Fresh Alternatives is good! They're all good actually. :)
I personally like "it's all good", but yeah.
I want you to strive. It's a very good thing.
I like Simply Sinless. About 10 years ago I was trying to get Rob to help me open a healthy fastfood restraunt. It never panned out. We talked to Shultz too and shortly after that he started forming the bbq thing. Kinda funny how things happen. I wanted to have the fat and carb amounts listed right next to the food choice on the menu so you would know what you are consuming. When you really think about it the fresh fruits and veggies are not all that terribly priced. Go local and you are that much ahead of the game. I would come and eat there often! I have been looking for a place like that all week because I have not felt like cooking. Good Luck with your dream!
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