Friday, October 3, 2008

Pics are in

Here are a few shots of the house I checked out the other day:

The pics are actually too flattering. The bathrooms had mold, the toilets and sinks were possily in working order, but beyond cleaning. there was one corner, in the upstairs kitchen I think, that was covered in mold. All of the windows have to be replaced. The foundation looks nasty. One of the 4 units is the size of my small kitchen. Every unit was too small and crappity. Too bad. I'll keep looking!
For something like this:

richard branson house


I'm Scooter, but I might be a troll. said...

Hurricanes, dear. Hurricanes. Michigan is geologically stable, has freshwater seas... and me.

Stepho said...

Replace those window walls with ski-chalet style fireplaces, and I think it could work in Michigan.

Krissyface said...

I'm just jealous that you are even IN a position to be looking at houses. I might be able to check out a one bedroom apartment to rent but...

(queue violins playing)

kimberkara said...

The problem is that you are in NY. Go on ebay and buy a house in Detroit for $2k. Detroit is the new Mexico. Save up 50k and retire there. Of course you can't leave your house and will have to house guard dogs, but the houses are cheap!