Thursday, January 29, 2009

Are you in the military?

I was checking out the traffic on this blog to see if anyone was coming here via googling porn like on Scooters blog, no :( , and see someone from a military post has been checking this blog out from time to time. Who is you? I'm curious. Actually I would love it is anyone who stumbled upon this blog would say hi - you suck, or whatever.



I'm Scooter, but I might be a troll. said...

I love you. Your background makes my eyes hurt and my chest tighten.

none said...

hey how do you check out the traffic on a blog???
I love you too, maybe not the way mark does.

kimberkara said...

Heidi - I don't swing that way, but I'm flattered. JK

Scroll down and you'll see a sitemeter at the top of my archives. Click that and you should be able to get your own. It's pretty boring and I rarely check it, but it's something to do.

Mark - I love you too and as you can see I removed my cutsie valentines day background.

Booya said...

If you and Heidi do decide to swing the same way, let a brother know! Your military visitor could be a friend of mine, not sure, but he is stationed over seas and has a blog that is linked on my blog. But I could be wrong.

Anonymous said...

Is Alisa-I stalk you, occasionally....just had a baby, so when he sleeps, I search for old friends...SORRY-I'll stop!!

kimberkara said...

OOOOOHHHH... that makes sense. I forgot I DO know someone overseas, besides Rudy. I would love to see a pic of the baby!
It's not stalking if it's on blogger - it's for anyone to see, though if you never let us know you're here then... well now I know. :)