Sunday, May 11, 2008


I slept through the night last night and took a nap this morning when Sadie went down and THEN took ANOTHER nap this afternoon. I actually had had enough sleep so I had some memorable dreams. That is a rarity when you have a 1 year old.

The first one I remember was I was sleeping in bed and Mark was next to me. Warm and comforting. He wasn't supposed to be at my house this day, but there he was - naked and snuggled next to me. It was such a nice surprise and I was even happier knowing that he made the effort to come out just because he needed to be with me. I asked him why he was here and he said he didn't know, like it just kinda happened. It didn't really matter that he couldn't express why because I knew why.

Then: I was in my car with my mom and we were getting close to an old neighborhood where we lived in a motel for about 1/2 a year in Ft. Lauderdale. (yes we did for real). I wanted to go see the old place and mom was agreeable. It was dusk and as we approached our street I started becoming anxious. I'm not sure why. It was a seedy place but I had as many good memories as bad. Anyway, I recognized the landmarks and found the motel. We got out and explored. I love dreams that remind you of stuff you forgot. I walked behind the motel and approached the edge of the canal, but couldn't get too close to the edge, just like when I was 10, for fear of falling in. I kept my eye open for prostitutes, but I guess they must have cleaned the place up a bit because it was not as seedy as it used to be and as a matter of fact there was a little gift shop next door, which is where I was when my mom woke me up. I tried to get back to the dream, as I don't recall going back to that motel before in a dream and most of my dreams are in recurring places, but it didn't work - of course.

Maybe I'll go to bed at a decent time tonight and dream again! Woo hoo!

1 comment:

I'm Scooter, but I might be a troll. said...

I wish the first dream were true! I look forward to seeing you tomorrow! I love you.