Thursday, May 15, 2008

Fuck It

I'm over the flabby blabby blog. It's been 2 weeks and has not changed anything for me. What has been helping a little is looking at the nutritional information of the fast food I order, or almost order and I was already doing that. The only thing that blog was doing was depressing me a little. Today my co-workers chose Del Taco for lunch. I checked the info on the burger I wanted... 39 g fat! So then I looked at this burrito... 62 g of fat I shit you not. So, I chose rice, beans and 2 small soft tacos. 27 g fat and filling.
I have had a headache most of today, and it's building, so I'm not thinkin' about much else.


I'm Scooter, but I might be a troll. said...

Well, ok. I still want you to feel better about yourself, though.

Krissyface said...

I usually get the taco salad at taco bell, thinking I am all healthy and shit. And then I found out that that (wonderfully delicious) shell thingy they put the salad in is like deep fried in pork fat or something and has like 2 million calories. Fuck. You just cannot win.